Basil Hayden Gown

Chicago: A Helluva Town!

Today I flew to Chicago to Host the last of the Tastemakers 2007 Series sponsored by Basil Hayden and Out Magazine. So far they have raised $15,000 for the LGBT community in Chicago.
I am thrilled and excited to not only host the final event but also auction off this One-Of-A-Kind Gown I designed in honor of the event. I was thrilled with the way it turned out (this snapshot does not do it justice) and I will definitely take photos of the Beautiful Ford Model, Erin Endicott, who will be wearing it tomorrow night at the live auction. If you can't make it, don't fret!! Click HERE and you can place your bid now. This is a Gown worth $6,000.00 and believe me, you will be the envy of every woman in town if you own it!!

Basil Hayden Gown Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: keren