Avedon Fashion Exhibit Opens in New York!

Avedon Madness!

Veruschka, dress by Kimberly, New York, January 1967

Currently on display at the International Center of Photography Museum is a stunning retrospective of Richard Avedon 1944-2000. It is considered to be the most comprehensive exploration to date of Avedon's fashion photography during his long career at Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, The New Yorker, and beyond. All those iconic photographs that every student--as well as every true admirer of fashion-- knows and has ingrained in their minds are in the exhibit. Dovima, Twiggy, Verushka, Suzy Parker, they are all there, in their divine glory. Dovima, The Elephants..and me! Nick Verreos poses with "Dovima and The Elephants" by Richard Avedon, Washington DC

Incidentally, you can click HERE for a wonderful article on the "History of Models" on MODELINIA, which talks about Avedon and one of his most important muses, Suzy Parker.
The exhibition just began today and will go on until September 6TH of this year. I can't wait to go back to New York so I can check it out!
NY Times Fashion Editor Cathy Horyn
always has something wonderful to say about everything fashion and you can click HERE and HERE to read what she thought about the Avedon Exhibit.

And finally, Click HERE to view an amazing slide show of the photographs on exhibit.

Avedon Fashion Exhibit Opens in New York! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: keren