... well I suppose the politically correct name would be Tshwane, but let's be honest, T-SH-WA-NE just doesn't have the same ring about it as PRE-TO-RI-A does. And last night it was all Pretoria, the home of the newly crowned Super 14 Rugby Champions.

No-one in their wildest dreams could have imagined an outcome in which The Chiefs were totally annihilated and humiliated. At a time when South Africa is experiencing a drought in the awards and accolades department, even a one-point win would have sufficed. But the Blue Bulls trounced their opponents in their record-breaking win. BLUE BULLS RULE!

Note to self: Isn't it amazing how any organsation or institution that has succeeded in resisting or keeping at bay government interference is still managing to keep pace with the rest of the world?

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