Halloween Part Deux: Nick Verreos Interviews Perez, Paris, Kelly and more...

Nick-A-laddin Meets Modelinia!

<br/><a href="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-US&vid=b5bf0d08-1f32-4db8-9d8b-eef79a48547f" target="_new" title="Heidi Klum's Halloween Party 2009">Video: Heidi Klum's Halloween Party 2009</a>

Here is the the video showing all the craziness on the Red Carpet for Heidi Klum's Halloween Party sponsored by MSN and SKYY Vodka. ENJOY!!!

Halloween Part Deux: Nick Verreos Interviews Perez, Paris, Kelly and more... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: keren