The crown had barely settled on the head of the lovely Rima Fakih, and those selfsame commentators were moaning because she was of Middle Eastern descent. Some even went as far as calling her the spawn of terrorists and calling her win a victory for Al-Qaeda. So much for their appreciating diversity.
Her detractors must have jumped for joy when photographs of her competing in a pole-dancing contest surfaced within 24 hours of her coronation. Now the very same Guardians of Morality are calling for her resignation claiming that she is not a good role model for their teen daughters.
Those that have made comments along the line that she is cheap and trashy for having taken part in a contest of that nature (albeit 3 or 4 years before she joined the pageant circuit) obviously don't get out much. If they did, they would know that her behaviour is very typical of the average 20-something girl.
Whilst I wasn't particularly impressed that she had beaten some of my favourites at the pageant, she did beat the boring blonde with the soggy Kleenex personality from Oklahoma which is a huge plus in my books. If I wasn't a Rima fan before, I most definitely am now.