Contrary to popular belief, I am not a pageant groupie. I very rarely attend pageants for the simple reason that they tend to be boring and tedious. I don't rush up to titleholders and demand an autograph or to be photographed with them, or rifle through the trash-bin in their dressing room in search of a "tissue that she wiped her lipstick off on", etc.

For a number of years in the 90's and early 00's I had access to complimentary tickets to Miss SA (and Miss World for that matter) which I turned down because it was such a schlep to travel all that way to "Son Stad" for a beauty pageant. I just prefer observing pageants from the comfort of my sofa at home.

Another reason is that, even though I aced my public relations course at UNISA and am an expert at the "rah-rah" PR routine, when it comes to pageants I just can't say the "right" thing if I disagree with the outcome. I tend to be very outspoken which could be embarrassing for both myself and the group with whom I attend the event.

My knowledge of pageants in SA and pageants in general is as a result of extensive research in public libraries and following pageants in the media. I have never asked for a memento or keepsake from any titleholder and then bragged about it in public. That's just not me.

I have an extensive collection of clippings, articles and photographs taken from newspapers, magazines and the internet over the years. But for the fact that I have misplaced a box or two during my move to Cape Town, it would have been a lot more impressive than it is.

Over the years I have admired or loathed a number of titleholders from a distance, and only recently learnt how to blog so that I can share my views with fellow pageant-followers and other interested parties. From my comments it is very obvious which titleholders fall into which category.

To those that have been on the receiving end of my snarkie comments, get over it. The criticism is directed at you in your role as the supposedly "most beautiful woman" in the country. I have never bothered to get involved in your personal affairs. They are, after all, your personal affairs. When it becomes public knowledge, it's a different matter entirely.

To those that I admire, you have earned my respect based on your public image and positive contributions to the pageant industry. You epitomise what I believe the perfect Miss SA should be. I will continue to commend and support you in your role as a former titleholder. Unless you do something really silly that deserves a tongue-bashing from me, that is.

One young lady that has been a particular favourite since her entry photograph first appeared in the media is Nicole Flint. But for the fact that she received "arse-wipe" support from her national directors and wardrobe sponsors, she could quite easily have been the next Margaret Gardiner in my opinion.

Not only is Nicole exquisitely beautiful, she has the same elegance and class that Margaret had back in 1978. She also has a heart of gold to compliment her physical attributes which is very rare beyond the "let's appear to be nice and caring to improve our public image" philosophy that so many recent titleholders have subscribed to without so much as a smidgen of sincerity.

Now why am I rambling on and telling you this? Well I received my very first autographed photo from a titleholder today. It was unsolicited and very unexpected, which makes it very special. Thank you Nicole, not only for the photograph, but for a job very well done. You have been a fantastic Miss SA.

MY FIRST MISS SA MEMENTO Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: keren