I don't want to detract from Bokang Montjane's win at Miss SA last night because she seems like a really nice and grounded young lady. But isn't it amazing how her win has totally skewed the opinions and perceptions of the pageant production?

It has been 5 years since a winner of African descent was crowned and everyone (the PC public attention whores, that is) is gushing and fawning about the wonderful, slick and professional pageant because we have a truly representative winner again. The pageant SUCKED boys and girls!

I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but the truth is that, had any of the runners-up won last night, the very same pageant would have been described as awful, unprofessional, boring, drab (you get the picture?). The fact that a black contestant had won negated the fact that the pageant was a disaster from beginning to end.

My opinion of the production would not have changed had my personal favourite Kiasha Naidoo (and then in her absence Dhesha Jeram) won the pageant. It was crap and lacked the style, grace, sophistication and pizzaz of the Miss SA pageants of the 90's. It was, in effect, the "mutant child" of a shopping mall pageant and Brakpan model contest.

Don't let the result cloud your perception and opinion of the pageant. It was bad, really bad.

IT WAS BAD, REALLY BAD Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: keren