Aketx Rojo Won the Title of Mister Bizkaia 2011 (Spain)

Miss and Mister Bizkaia 2011 were elected a few days ago. Mister Bizkaia 2011 is Aketx Rojo, 19 and 1m88. He also took the title of Mister Congeniality. Mister Bizkaia 2011 first runner-up was Iker Narváez; second runner-up was Yoel Sola. Ten women and ten men competed for the coveted titles, which give them the right to compete for Miss and Mister Spain 2011.

Courtesy of Beauty School & GlobalBeauties

Aketx Rojo Won the Title of Mister Bizkaia 2011 (Spain) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: keren