Road to Miss Austria 2011

Valentina Schlager will crown her successor on March 26, 2011. Regional contests will be held in all 9 Austrian states, the winners of each state and her 1st ru's are qualified to enter the Miss Austria final. Additionally, there will be choosen Miss Internet. The winner will participate in the Miss World 2011 pageant.

upcoming regional heats:

Miss Styria 2011 - Jan. 27
Miss Innsbruck 2011 - Feb. 10
Miss Vorarlberg 2011 - Feb. 04
Miss Oberösterreich 2011 - Feb. 13
Miss Niederösterreich 2011 - Feb. 22
Miss Kärnten 2011 - Feb. 25
Miss Salzburg 2011 - Feb. 26
Miss Vienna 2011 - Mar. 01
Miss Burgenland 2011 - Mar. 12
Miss Tirol 2011 - Mar. 12

Here are some of the finalists:

Lisa Bernhauser - Miss Niederösterreich 2011

Miss Innsbruck 2011

Miss Blonde 2011

Miss Linz 2011

Miss Mühlviertel 2011

Miss Oberösterreich 2011 - Margaretha Karjinovic

Miss Styria 2011 - Sabrina Konrad

Miss Vorarlberg 2011 - Vanessa Hassler

Miss Wels 2011 2011

Special thanks and credits to

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