Photos of some of the contestants for Miss Italia nel Mondo 2011

Miss Italia nel Mondo 2011.

Miss Italia Amazzonia Silvia Novais

Miss Italia Brasile Priscylla Vitorassi

Miss Italia Sud America Isolina Boero

Miss Italia Spain Iride Fontana

Miss Italia Uruguay Valeria Ferreira

Courtesy of Miss Italia nel Mondo

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Italia Venezuela Angela La Padula

Miss Italia Austria Anabel Vera Blanch

Miss Italia England Sabrina Montourcy

Miss Italia Francia Cannes Audrey Sans

Miss Italia Belgio Livia Dushkoff Natalini

Courtesy of Miss Italia nel Mondo

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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