I saw Captain America over the weekend and loved it! Aside from it being an entertaining movie, the retro 1940's makeup, hair and costumes were so awesome!
Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter. I love how her uniform includes a pencil skirt.
Dancers on stage with Captain America ha! The hats make the outfit for me...
Classic 40's look - bold lip and brows, a bit of mascara. Hair parted to the side.
Sexy, but not overdone
Another shot - that red lipstick didn't leave her face the entire movie haha
Love it
Peggy's look in the movie reminded me a bit of Rita Hayworth from that era.
Glamorous and beautiful!
For a bit "modernized" 40's look, Dita kills it.
The brows & winged eye liner don't have to be as severe as hers,
but it's a good place to start if you're trying to recreate the look
What do you guys think, anyone else see the movie over the weekend? =)