Miss Venezuela 2011 Contestants Photos & Profile

The road to Miss Universe 2012.
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Miss Venezuela 2011 Headshots

AMAZONAS Diana Carolina Wood Pérez, 24, 5'9''

ARAGUA Yosddy Alexandra Hernández Badillo, 21, 5'11''

BARINAS Astrid Yolanda Lozada Silva, 24, 5'7''

CARABOBO Isabela Ramos Cano, 21, 5'11''

DELTA AMACURO Ivany Nayexy Guzmán Herrera, 21, 5'10''

DISTRITO CAPITAL Gabriella Ferrari Peirano, 21, 5'9''

GUARICO Blanca Cristina Aljibes Gallardo, 22, 5'10''

Courtesy of Miss Venezuela

MERIDA Yasmeira Molina Gutiérrez, 25, 5'9''

MONAGAS Alejandra Medina Barroeta, 19, 5'9''

PORTUGUESA Andrea Carolina Baptista Ruiz, 21, 5'9''

SUCRE Irene Sofía Esser Quintero, 19, 5'10''

TACHIRA Milagro José Manrique Barrios, 17, 5'9''

TRUJILLO María de los Ángeles Vera Molina, 19, 5'10''

Courtesy of Miss Venezuela

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